Icing Angel Parties

I'm Alison Woodall and I'm The Icing Angel. I host icing parties and workshops for children and this blog is where I share my latest baking projects. Check out www.theicingangel.com for details on how to book a party.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Easter Cross Cupcake

I wanted to make a religious cupcake but with a pretty twist to it and I suddenly thought that tootsie rolls could be make to look just like crosses.
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I started off with a cupcake rough iced to look like grass and then I cut three tootsie rolls in half and stuck them together to make crosses.
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I made the center one slightly taller.
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Then to make it pretty, I added some flowers and the final touch was a butterfly on Jesus’ cross.
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Is it bad that my children loved eating the replica of the cross that Jesus died on?  Any thing that gets them to remember his sacrifice is good with me.

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