Icing Angel Parties

I'm Alison Woodall and I'm The Icing Angel. I host icing parties and workshops for children and this blog is where I share my latest baking projects. Check out www.theicingangel.com for details on how to book a party.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Candy Heart Cupcakes

Once again a www.pinterest.com post inspired me to create a cupcake design.
Pinned Image
I saw this pin and thought it would be cute to make on a cupcake.  Unfortunately all our candy canes from Christmas have been eaten so we improvised.
Adison had chosen some sour punch straws last week as a treat.
Jan 2012 - 3 023 - Copy
So we iced a cupcake and then cut a sour punch straw in half and bent it into a heart shape.
Jan 2012 - 3 089 - Copy
Jan 2012 - 3 090 - Copy
Jan 2012 - 3 092 - Copy

Then we filled the center of the heart with sprinkles.
Jan 2012 - 3 096
Then we tried different sprinkles in the center of a pink cupcake.
Jan 2012 - 3 097Jan 2012 - 3 098Jan 2012 - 3 100Jan 2012 - 3 101
Both were cute and tasted great, but we liked the first design best.

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