Icing Angel Parties

I'm Alison Woodall and I'm The Icing Angel. I host icing parties and workshops for children and this blog is where I share my latest baking projects. Check out www.theicingangel.com for details on how to book a party.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Super Easy Heart Shaped Brownie Desserts

I’ve tried so many from scratch brownie recipes, usually spending $5-10 on fancy chocolate, and not one recipe was ever better than the basic box of brownies.
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Bake your favorite brownies and then use heart shaped cutters to cut hearts out of the brownie.
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For one dessert I melted 8 oz of chopped bittersweet chocolate with a cup of heavy whipping cream to make a ganache.
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When the chocolate had melted in the cream I dipped the brownies in the ganache.  They tasted quite good but I would use semi sweet chocolate next time.
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I cooked my husband a special meal for Valentine’s Day and as brownies are his favorite I cut them into hearts and sandwiched them together with heavy whipping cream that I’d whipped with a couple of tablespoons of sugar, but you could use Cool Whip.  I sprinkled them with hearts and it was a quick and very yummy dessert.
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