Icing Angel Parties

I'm Alison Woodall and I'm The Icing Angel. I host icing parties and workshops for children and this blog is where I share my latest baking projects. Check out www.theicingangel.com for details on how to book a party.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chocolate Pretzel Nests

Last year I made chow mien marshmallow nests (it sounds really yucky but actually they were pretty good) with peeps chicks in them but this year I wanted to try something different.  I made the oreo truffle chicks so they needed nests to sit in.  I had lots of chocolate chips, so I started with those – white chocolate would have done just as well.
First I melted the chocolate chips on 50% power in the microwave.  I put it in for a minute, stir it and then put it in for another 45 seconds on 50% power and that is usually enough.
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March 2012 - 1 010
Then I put some pretzel sticks in the bowl too and crushed them a bit with a spoon so that the sticks weren’t quite so long.
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Then I mixed the pretzels well so they were covered with chocolate and put a large spoonful into muffin cases.  I used the spoon to press down in the center to make a nest shape.
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When the chocolate was dry my 3 year old daughter and her friend decorated the nests for me using flower sprinkles stuck on with a blob of icing, and then filled them will chocolate eggs and jelly beans.  We topped the nest with one of the little truffle chicks.
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March 2012 - 1 031
It was a cute little craft for the girls and really easy for children of any age.  I had my son’s preschool class decorate nests last year, so even with very little icing experience it’s a lot of fun.
March 2012 - 1 015March 2012 - 1 017

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