Icing Angel Parties

I'm Alison Woodall and I'm The Icing Angel. I host icing parties and workshops for children and this blog is where I share my latest baking projects. Check out www.theicingangel.com for details on how to book a party.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chocolate Crispy Nests

As a child I always remember making chocolate rice crispy nests at Easter and I’ve never made them with my children.  I was determined to this year as they are so easy. 
First I melted the chocolate chips on 50% power in the microwave. I put it in for a minute, stir it and then put it in for another 45 seconds on 50% power and that is usually enough to melt the chocolate.
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March 2012 - 1 010
I’m not sure the exact quantities I used because I tend to throw in what looks about enough and hope for the best. I think about 1/4 cup of chocolate chips and 1/2 cup of rice crispies will make one nest, so just increase your quantities for however many nests you need. You can also use corn flakes instead of rice crispies.
Once the chocolate is melted, stir in the rice crispies and spoon into muffin cases.
 March 2012 - 1 007
Cupcake cases aren’t quite big enough. If the nest is too small you can’t fit many eggs inside or the chick on top. Use a spoon to flatten the center to make room for the eggs and chick.
March 2012 - 1 008
My daughter decorated the nests for me and for some reason I don’t have a photo of the chocolate crispy nest with a chick in it.  If you don’t want to make the oreo truffle chicks, you can buy any kind of chick to go in the nest.  Peeps work really well but you could just put a toy chick in too.  I just always prefer something I can eat.
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March 2012 - 1 025
And just to prove that decorating crispy treat nests isn’t just for little girls, my step son made a minimalist ‘manly’ chick.
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